ATF announces the Explosives Industry Meeting to be held at ATF Headquarters in Washington, DC on October 25 and 26, 2012. The meeting will include presentations by several ATF offices as well as other Federal agencies having explosives jurisdiction. Please click here to view the invitation and additional information -

The Explosives Industry

The explosives industry in the United States is composed of approximately 11,000 ATF explosives licensees and permittees working in commercial explosives, fireworks, and specialty products. While the mining industry uses 85-90% of all the explosives used in the U.S. on an annual basis, explosives are used in virtually every segment of the manufacturing and major construction industries. Explosives industry members play an integral role in maintaining and improving our quality of life in the United States and work to bring countless benefits to our everyday lives in areas such as mining, oil and gas exploration; demolition; avalanche control; and the use of explosives in special industrial tools; medical instruments; fire extinguishers; railroad torpedoes; air bag inflators; fireworks; and special effects in the entertainment industry.

However, with all of the benefits that explosives bring to our lives, explosives also have been used by those who seek to disrupt or destroy the peace, progress and works of society. Because of the potential misuse of explosive materials, ATF’s role in protecting the public from inadequate storage and security is vital to our nation's efforts against terrorism and violence involving explosives.

ATF Anniversary

ATF and industry share common goals of ensuring public safety and protecting America against potential criminal or terrorist activities. Since its creation as a separate Bureau within the Department of the Treasury on July 1, 1972, ATF has worked with the explosives industry and its associations to ensure the safety and security of the public. This year, ATF celebrates its 40th anniversary as a Bureau dedicated to protecting commerce in the explosives industry; the public from the inherent danger of inadequately stored or secured explosive materials; and society against those individuals who might misuse these materials in a manner contrary to public safety. Please join us in commemorating these 40 years of service by clicking on the following link to view our presentation.

Explosives Industry Programs Branch

The Explosives Industry Programs Branch (EIPB) participates in industry seminars and conferences and meets with industry members to discuss ways to increase explosives security. These outreach activities make ATF more effective at keeping explosive materials out of the hands of criminals.

EIPB is the primary point of contact for other Governmental agencies for explosives regulatory issues. It is responsible for the classification of explosive materials and the interpretation of the regulations codified under 27 CFR, Part 555. EIPB also issues rulings, determinations, open letters, and variances relating to explosives, the annual List of Explosives, the Explosives Newsletter, and special notices as needed.

Please see the additional links on this page for information pertinent to explosives industry members.

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Division Organization Chart

Explosives Industry News