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It’s true: Big Bird is a victim … of an Obama White House that uses gimmicks and excuses to deflect attention from its failure on jobs and the economy.

October 11, 2012

Did you know that for every one new job in the Obama economy, 10 people simply gave up looking and dropped out of the workforce?

October 10, 2012

"While there is positive news in today’s report, job creation is far too slow and the unemployment rate is far too high."

October 5, 2012

A new survey out this week underscores the study by independent accounting firm Ernst & Young that shows President Obama’s tax hike on small businesses will destroy more than 700,000 jobs (a fact Speaker John Boehner notes the president didn’t dispute yesterday).

October 4, 2012

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today called on President Obama to address a National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) report – prepared by independent accounting firm Ernst & Young – showing that the president’s January 1 “fiscal cliff” tax hike will significantly impact small businesses

October 4, 2012
A Reformer Who Took on the Establishment

Elected to Congress in 1990, John quickly became a voice for reform in Congress. First, he adopted a "no earmarks" policy that he carries with him to this day. And as part of the "Gang of Seven", he and fellow lawmakers took on the House establishment - Democrats and Republicans. Together, they successfully closed the scandal-riddled House Bank, uncovered "dine-and-dash" practices at the House Restaurant, and exposed drug sales and cozy cash-for-stamps deals at the House Post Office.

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