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Health Care

The price of health care has already spiraled out of reach for many Michigan families, and now the job-killing Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which took effect in March 2010, further increases costs and limits access.  There are better ways of addressing the problems in our health care system than imposing big government solutions.  I believe fixing these problems requires common-sense solutions that reduce cost, increase access and encourages job creation. If Congress takes the following steps, we can make health care affordable for all Americans.

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
PPACA, the job killing trillion-dollar health care bill passed by the 111th Congress, raises health care costs and creates burdensome mandates and regulations for hard-working families and businesses. I am proud to have been an original cosponsor of H.R. 2, the Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, and voted to repeal this law in January 2011. 

In February 2011 Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) offered H.R. 2 as an amendment, S.Amdt.13, however, the amendment failed by a vote of 47-51. Please know I will continue to strongly support legislation that aims to repeal this burdensome, punishing law and work to replace this law with more effective solutions that promote consumer choice, decrease health care costs and improve access to care.

Association Health Plans For Small Business
With just over half of the country’s workforce employed by small businesses, I believe they should have access to the same health insurance rates as large employers.  Small businesses would be able to do this by banding together through Association Health Plans to create large pools of employees that can access the same rates as large employers.

Health Savings Accounts
Americans have the right to take control of their health care decisions.  Health Savings Accounts incentivize responsible planning for future health care expenses and encourages shopping for the best cost and quality in services.

Tort Reform
There are too many frivolous lawsuits against good doctors.  When doctors are forced to pay settlements, it drives up health care costs for all Michiganders and Americans.  By reforming medical malpractice, we can keep good doctors practicing and lower health care costs for everyone.

Purchasing Across State Lines
Allowing a national market or regional markets to purchase health insurance would result in a much larger pool of individuals that reduce expenses and risk for insurers.  This expansion allows health insurance companies to offer insurance at lower costs to all of those participating.   
The Path to Prosperity and Medicare
In March 2012, the House passed a budget plan, H.Con. Res. 112 for fiscal year 2013 that addresses the financial circumstances our country is facing.  The plan - The Path to Prosperity - maps out a long term strategy for shoring up our national debt and reducing our deficit.  Among the many solutions, it strengthens health and retirement security by taking power away from government bureaucrats and empowering patients instead with control over their own care. It also makes no changes for current seniors, ensuring that traditional Medicare remains an option, and strengthening the program for future seniors protects the Medicare guarantee.

Additional Steps taken during the 112th Congress
- Voted to budget $0 for the implementation of PPACA over the ten-year budget window.
- Passage of HR 1213 which would repeal a PPACA slush fund of unlimited funding to states for various activities related to health insurance exchanges.
- Participated in the following House Committee on Education and the Workforce hearings concerning PPACA:

- The Impact of Health Care Law on the Economy, Employers and the Workforce (February 2011)
- Regulations, Costs and Uncertainty in Employer-Provided Health Care (October 2011)


07/11/2012 - Press Release: Rep Walberg Votes To Repeal Health Care Law / Tax
06/26/2012—Opinion Editorial: The Detroit News: Obamacare is Too Costly, Bad for Business
06/27/2012 - Press Release: Supreme Court Rules Health Care Law A Tax
06/26/2012 - Opinion Editorial: Obamacare is Too Costly, Bad for Business
06/19/2012 - Press Release: Rep. Walberg Introduces Legislation to Help Ensure Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities Maintain Access to Affordable, Quality Companion Care
06/07/2012 - Press Release: Rep Walberg Votes To Lower Health Care Costs, Protect Job Creation
03/23/2012 - Press Release: Rep Walberg Remarks on Two-Year Anniversary of President's Health Care Law
03/22/2012 - Press Release: Rep Walberg Votes To Protect Seniors’ Access To Health Care
03/21/2012 - Opinion Editorial: Health-Care Reform Proves Damaging to Seniors As It Approaches Two-Year Anniversary
12/01/2011 - Co-Sponsored Legislation: H.Res. 475, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional

03/31/2011 - Co-Sponsored Legislation: H.R. 1286 Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act of 2011
03/25/2011 - Article of Interest: Starbucks CEO and former health care law proponent calls health care mandate "too great" of a burden on small businesses
ObamaCare- One Year Later
Walberg Statement on Repeal of 1099 Requirement
Congressman Walberg Comments on Judge's Health Care Ruling
Rep Walberg Votes to Repeal Government Takeover of Health Care

01/12/2011 - Co-Sponsored Legislation: H.R. 4, TheComprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments Act of 2011