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Health Care Satellite Account

BEA's Plans

Understanding the changing role of health care in the U.S. economy and its impact on economic growth is critical to addressing many of the important policy issues being raised regarding health care. With this initiative, BEA is improving the accuracy of its core GDP estimates and developing a supplemental set of satellite accounts on health care that will:

  • Create common BEA-CMS sets of health expenditure statistics.
  • Produce a comprehensive set of health care sector accounts for health care income, expenditure, and product.
  • Develop state-of-the-art medical care price and real output measures that better break out the delivery of health care from increases in the price of that care.
  • Produce estimates of medical care spending by type of disease that go beyond estimates of spending by provider type.

For details on BEA’s plans, see: Toward a Health Care Satellite Account (PDF)

Completed Work:



Dr. Ana Aizcorbe, Chief Economist