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[Excepts of the House Report, H.R. 106-622.  Omissions are indicated by ellipses: "   * * * * *"]
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                                  64 412                                 
                            106 th Congress                             

                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                        
                               2d Session                               

APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2001                                      

   May 17, 2000.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the   
 State of the Union and ordered to be printed                            

  Mr. Wolf , from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the         
                              together with                              
                             ADDITIONAL VIEWS                            
                         [To accompany H.R. 4475]                        

      The Committee on Appropriations submits the following report in      
   explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for the      
   Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year   
   ending September 30, 2001.                                              

   * * * * *

                               FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION                     

                           SUMMARY OF FISCAL YEAR  2001  PROGRAM                  

   * * * * *

       National personal transportation survey .--The Committee has not    
   provided the $4,750,000 under this heading for activities related to the
   national personal transportation survey. The Committee recognizes the   
   need for such data and has included limited funds for this activity     
   within funds provided for policy research and the Bureau of             
   Transportation Statistics.

   * * * * *
                           LIMITATION ON TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH                  

     Limitation, fiscal year 2000\1\                           
     Budget request, fiscal year 2001\1\                       
     Recommended in the bill                   ($437,250,000)  
     xlBill compared with:                                     
       Limitation, fiscal year 2000            (+437,250,000)  
       Budget request, fiscal year 2001        (+437,250,000)  

\1\Resources available in fiscal year 2000 and requested in fiscal year 2001 are assumed
within the federal-aid highways obligation limitation.  

      This limitation controls spending for the transportation research and
   technology contract programs of the Federal Highway Administration. This
   limitation includes a number of contract programs including intelligent 
   transportation systems, surface transportation research, technology     
   deployment, training and education, and university transportation       
   research. In the past, funding under this limitation was provided in    
   part from the limitation on general operating expenses and from contract
   authority provided in permanent law. The recommendation includes an     
   obligation limitation for transportation research of $437,250,000. This 
   limitation is consistent with the provisions of TEA21 and mirrors the   
   House-passed fiscal year 2000 Department of Transportation and Related  
   Agencies appropriations bill. The Committee recommendation does not     
   provide an additional $221,500,000 for research and technology programs 
   requested in the budget to be funded from an increase in contract       
      TEA21 authorizes $437,250,000 in fiscal year 2001 for the following  
   transportation research programs:                                       

          Surface transportation research     $98,000,000
          Technology deployment program     45,000,000
          Training and education     18,000,000
          Bureau of transportation statistics     31,000,000
          ITS standards, research, operational tests, and development     100,000,000
          ITS deployment     118,000,000
          University transportation research     27,250,000

   * * * * *

[Under Surface Transportation Research / Highway Research and Development]
       Policy research .--The policy research and technology program       
   supports FHWA policy analysis and development, strategic planning, and  
   technology development through research in data collection, management  
   and dissemination; highway financing, investment analysis, and          
   performance measurement; and enhancements to highway program            
   contributions to economic productivity, efficiency, and other national  
   goals. For fiscal year 2001, the Committee recommends $4,600,000 for    
   policy research. For several years, the Committee has provided funds for
   the department's truck size and weight study, which has been financed   
   primarily from FHWA's policy research budget. This study has been in    
   draft format for several years and has received considerable criticism. 
   The Committee's allowance does not include any funds to continue or     
   revise this study. The Committee will reconsider the need for updating  
   this study when debate over highway reauthorization legislation draws   
   closer. This savings of $450,000 and the additional funds recommended   
   above the fiscal year 2000 appropriation will allow continued work on   
   the National Personal Transportation Survey, which is funded under this 
   category and not under the limitation on administrative expense as      
   requested by the FHWA. Because of budgetary constraints, the Committee  
   has deleted funds for research cooperation with various international   
   organizations and expects to be consulted before future international   
   agreements that are likely to require financial support are consummated.

   * * * * *

         Highway operations and asset management .--The highway operations   
   research program is designed to develop, deliver and deploy advanced    
   technologies and administrative methods to provide pavement and bridge  
   durability, and to reduce construction and maintenance-related user     
   delays. The Committee recommends $5,200,000 for highway operations and  
   asset management. Funds provided under this category support a variety  
   of research projects seeking to improve highway operations, including   
   work to improve the manual on uniform traffic control devices, work zone
   operations, technologies that facilitate operational responses to       
   changes in weather conditions, and freight management operations. Of the
   $600,000 provided for asset management, the Committee has not included  
   any funds for statistical analysis of the National Quality Initiative.  
   Such analysis shall be performed by the Bureau of Transportation        

   * * * * * 

      Section 319 provides that funds received from the sale of data       
   products of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics may be credited to  
   the Federal-aid highways account for reimbursing the Bureau for such    
   expenses and that such funds shall be subject to the obligation         
   limitation for federal-aid highways and highway safety construction.    

   * * * * *  

                         CHANGES IN THE APPLICATION OF EXISTING LAW          

   * * * * *  

      Section 319 allows funds received by the Bureau of Transportation    
   Statistics from the sale of data products be credited to the Federal-aid
   highways account for the purpose of reimbursing the Bureau for such     

   * * * * *

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