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Table 2-40: Railroad and Grade-Crossing Injured Persons by Victim Class

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (R) 2005 (R) 2006 (R) 2007 (R) 2008 (R) 2009 2010
Passengers on trains 593 657 473 382 411 559 497 573 513 601 535 481 658 746 877 727 703 957 935 1,517 1,322 1,169 1,278
Railroad only 569 646 462 360 329 515 413 543 489 558 516 438 648 726 851 653 675 924 840 1,445 1,221 1,109 1,192
Grade crossing 24 11 11 22 82 44 84 30 24 43 19 43 10 20 26 74 28 33 95 72 101 60 86
Employees on duty 56,331 29,822 20,970 19,626 17,755 15,363 13,080 10,777 9,199 8,595 8,398 8,622 8,423 7,815 6,644 6,258 6,022 5,822 5,275 5,449 4,991 4,465 4,330
Railroad only 56,186 29,667 20,801 19,479 17,598 15,220 12,955 10,654 9,120 8,484 8,276 8,482 8,323 7,718 6,534 6,182 5,906 5,711 5,179 5,344 4,916 4,394 4,248
Grade crossing 145 155 169 147 157 143 125 123 79 111 122 140 100 97 110 76 116 111 96 105 75 71 82
Employees not on duty 671 419 326 362 310 348 306 252 228 263 219 216 286 209 213 226 200 172 169 177 160 148 135
Railroad only 669 418 324 362 309 347 305 248 226 260 216 215 283 208 213 226 196 169 167 176 159 148 135
Grade crossing 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 0 0 4 3 2 1 1 0 0
Contractor employees 74 110 242 219 226 262 252 269 208 334 380 384 368 383 375 372 360 415 407 444 438 357 437
Railroad only 74 109 240 216 224 261 251 268 208 333 379 384 367 380 374 370 359 413 407 414 435 354 435
Grade crossing 0 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 2 1 2 0 30 3 3 2
Nontrespassersa 3,849 2,562 2,339 2,110 1,909 1,856 1,913 1,869 1,660 1,540 1,236 1,342 1,294 1,201 2,380 1,058 1,247 1,496 1,296 1,357 1,397 1,206 1,291
Railroad only 384 285 349 423 408 432 475 372 431 370 243 335 381 388 1,732 393 553 859 645 787 856 836 872
Grade crossing 3,465 2,277 1,990 1,687 1,501 1,424 1,438 1,497 1,229 1,170 993 1,007 913 813 648 665 694 637 651 570 541 370 419
Trespassers 728 734 793 769 772 733 764 700 750 728 677 650 606 627 609 616 657 687 707 687 701 580 636
Railroad only 474 492 560 534 540 509 452 461 474 516 513 445 414 404 395 398 406 420 481 407 433 345 390
Grade crossing 254 242 233 235 232 224 312 239 276 212 164 205 192 223 214 218 251 267 226 280 268 235 246
Volunteer employees N N N N N N N N N 6 14 5 8 4 5 7 5 1 6 8 7 6 4
Railroad only N N N N N N N N N 6 13 5 8 4 5 7 5 1 6 8 7 6 4
Grade crossing N N N N N N N N N 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Railroad only and grade crossing, total 62,246 34,304 25,143 23,468 21,383 19,121 16,812 14,440 12,558 12,067 11,459 11,700 11,643 10,985 11,103 9,264 9,194 9,550 8,795 9,639 9,016 7,931 8,111
Railroad only 58,356 31,617 22,736 21,374 19,408 17,284 14,851 12,546 10,948 10,527 10,156 10,304 10,424 9,828 10,104 8,229 8,100 8,497 7,725 8,581 8,027 7,192 7,276
Grade crossingb 3,890 2,687 2,407 2,094 1,975 1,837 1,961 1,894 1,610 1,540 1,302 1,396 1,219 1,157 999 1,035 1,094 1,053 1,070 1,058 989 739 835
Motor vehiclesb 3,739 2,561 2,332 2,029 1,891 1,760 1,885 1,825 1,545 1,494 1,257 1,338 1,169 1,110 939 1,000 1,058 1,008 1,037 1,021 924 695 770
Non-motor vehiclesb 151 126 75 65 84 77 76 69 65 46 46 58 50 47 60 35 36 47 35 41 68 45 66

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.

a Beginning in 1997, Nontrespassers off railroad property are also included.

b The components of Grade crossing injuries were revised at a different point in time from the total Grade crossing injuries and may not sum to the total of Grade crossing injuries.


Railroad only includes fatalities from train accidents, train incidents, and nontrain incidents (excludes Highway-rail grade crossings). This table includes information for both freight and passenger railroad operations.


Railroad only and grade crossing:

1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Safety Analysis, Highway-Rail Crossing Accident/Incident and Inventory Bulletin (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), and Accident/Incident Bulletin (Washington, DC: Annual Issues).

1995-2003: Ibid., personal communication as of Apr. 10, 2008 and table 4.08 available at as of Sept. 16, 2009.

2004: Ibid., Railroad Safety Statistics 2008 Annual Report (Washington, DC), table 1-3, available at as of June 9, 2011.

2005: Ibid., Railroad Safety Statistics Preliminary Annual Report (Washington, DC: March 2011 Issue), table 1-3, available at as of June 9, 2011.

2006-10: Ibid., Railroad Safety Statistics Preliminary Annual Report (Washington, DC: May 2011 Issue), table 1-3, available at as of June 9, 2011.

Motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle:

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Safety Analysis, Hwy/Rail Incidents Summary Tables, table 5.11, available at as of June 10, 2011.

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