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Table 2-32: Transit Safety and Property Damage Data

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  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (R) 2008 2009 2010
Fatalitiesa 339 300 273 281 320 274 264 275 286 299 295 267 280 234 248 236 227 288 220 243 232
Injuriesa,b 54,556 52,125 55,089 52,668 58,193 57,196 55,288 56,132 55,990 55,325 56,697 53,945 19,260 18,235 18,982 18,131 19,238 20,625 23,067 24,486 23,455
Accidentsb,c 58,002 46,467 36,380 30,559 29,972 25,683 25,166 24,924 23,937 23,310 24,261 23,891 13,968 7,793 7,842 8,151 8,970 9,398 3,366 3,433 3,400
Incidentsa,b,c (includes accidents) 90,163 83,139 73,531 64,986 70,693 62,471 59,392 61,561 60,094 58,703 59,898 58,149 30,331 19,797 20,939 21,016 22,593 23,935 22,163 22,920 21,463
Vehicle-miles (millions) 2,490 2,478 2,510 2,535 2,581 2,620 2,605 2,702 2,833 2,927 3,002 3,090 3,084 3,071 3,139 3,098 3,126 3,166 3,254 3,330 3,330
Rates per 100 million vehicle-milesd                                          
Fatalities (all reportable incidents) 13.6 12.1 10.9 11.1 12.4 10.5 10.1 10.2 10.1 10.2 9.8 8.6 9.1 7.6 7.9 7.6 7.3 9.1 6.8 7.3 7.0
Injuries (all reportable incidents) 2,191 2,103 2,195 2,077 2,254 2,183 2,122 2,078 1,976 1,890 1,889 1,746 624 594 605 585 615 651 709 735 704
Accidents 2,329 1,875 1,450 1,205 1,161 980 966 922 845 796 808 773 453 254 250 263 287 297 103 103 102
Property damageb,e (current $ millions) 38.0 37.5 37.5 44.9 38.4 46.3 57.6 55.5 61.5 55.3 58.9 73.1 32.2 59.2 43.4 71.7 37.9 39.7 57.9 62.6 50.3

KEY: R = revised.

a Totals do not include data for cable car, inclined plane, jitney, and ferry boat. These data appear in the footnotes for table 2-34.

b The drop in the number of Incidents, Accidents, Injuries, and Property damage beginning from 2002 is due largely to a change in definitions by the Federal Transit Administration, particularly the definition of Injuries. The Injury threshold for filing an incident report changed to be two or more Injuries requiring immediate medical transportation away from the scene, or one or more Injuries requiring immediate medical transportation away from the scene in the case of incidents at grade crossings or along rail right-of-ways in 2002. Previously, any Injury was reportable. There were National Transportation Database definition changes made in 2008 to simplify the injury thresholds for filing an incident report. FTA simplified this threshold to being simply one or more Injuries requiring immediate medical transportation away from the scene. This simplification resulted in larger reported number in Injuries since 2008. Commuter rail data are now derived from the Federal Railroad Administration's Rail Accident Incident Reporting System (RAIRS). The threshold for reporting Property damage was changed from $1,000 in transit Property damage to $7,500 in total property damage from 2002 to 2007. In 2008, the property damage threshold was changed to $25,000. This change in coverage caused a large drop in the number of accidents beginning in 2008.

c Accidents include collisions with other vehicles, objects, and people (except suicides), and derailments/buses going off the road. Incidents include Accidents plus personal casualties (inside vehicles, inside stations, and boarding and alighting vehicle) and fires.

d Fatality and Injury rates are based on total Incidents including Accidents and were calculated by dividing the number of Fatalities, Injuries, and Incidents in this table by the number of Vehicle miles.

e Total does not include Property damage for cable car, inclined plane, jitney, and ferry boat, which were: 1990–$335,000; 1991–$410,000; 1992–$288,000; 1993–$221,000; 1994–$322,000; 1995–$3,263,000; 1996–$157,000; 1997–$67,000; 1998–$24,000; 1999–$104,000; 2000–$77,000; 2001–$1,605,000; 2002–$254,000; 2003–$15,348,000; 2004–$604,000; 2005–$44,000; 2006– $555,000; 2007–$1,234,000; 2008–$1,065,000; 2009– $274,607; 2010–$250,000. The large increase in excluded Property damage reported in 2003 is a result of the Staten Island Ferry Incident on Oct. 16, 2003 which resulted in $15,000,000 of Property damage.


Data are provided only for transit systems that furnished safety data for inclusion in the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Transit Safety and Security Statistics and Analysis, annual reports.

Transit vehicle-miles in this table differ from those reported in Chapter 1. The American Public Transit Association, which is the source for the vehicle-miles table in Chapter 1, includes all transit systems, while Transit Safety and Security Statistics and Analysis Annual Report covers only directly operated urban transit systems.

Prior to the 2000 edition, Transit Safety and Security Statistics and Analysis Report was entitled Safety Management Information Statistics (SAMIS) annual report.


1990-2007: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Transit Safety and Security Statistics and Analysis Report (Cambridge, MA: Annual Issues), available at as of Mar. 23, 2009.

2008-10: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, personal communication, May 11, 2011.

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