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Cravaack Statement on Two-Year Anniversary of the President's Health Care Law

Washington, D.C.Today, U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack (MN) issued the following statement on the second anniversary of the President’s health care law:
“After two years, health care costs are still going up and too many Americans are losing their health coverage.  Now that we have a more accurate picture of the true cost, the original price tag has doubled to nearly $2 trillion – no wonder more than half of all Americans support repeal of the law.  Still to come are more regulations, red-tape, and an unconstitutional mandate that forces Minnesotans, and all Americans, to purchase government-prescribed health insurance.  Importantly, the House has taken 25 Floor votes to repeal, replace, or reform the law with a fiscally responsible, patient-centered health system.”

Representative Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.

