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Cravaack Road Construction Legislation Signed Into Law

Washington, D.C. Yesterday, President Obama put the final stamp of approval on H.R. 2947, legislation which would allow Cook County to move forward with a much needed road construction project.  Introduced by U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack (MN) on September 15, 2011, the bill was signed into law after years of inaction.

“The passage and signing into law of H.R. 2947 is great news for the residents of Cook County.  We offer sincere thanks to our Congressional delegation, especially Congressman Cravaack, for their hard work on this bill and their dedication to removing this road block to our project,” said Cook County Highway Engineer David Betts.

Specifically, H.R. 2947 would require the Secretary of Agriculture to release Minnesota from the conditions imposed on it relative to a parcel of land in Cook County intended to be used for the Grand Marais-Cook County Airport.  The airport never utilized the land, but the federal restrictions on how the land could be developed remained.  This prevented the land from being allocated for any other use.

“Given the high degree of political gridlock taking place in Washington, it’s important we remain focused on the common sense, bipartisan legislation that needs to be accomplished.  I’m happy we’re finally bringing resolution to this long-standing issue for Cook County” said Rep. Cravaack.

Previously, H.R. 2947 was unanimously approved by the House on April 24, 2012 and was sent to the President’s desk last month on May 31.

Rep. Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.
