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FFR Grant Reporting Process

In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) mandate, on January 4, 2010, the PSC Division of Payment Management (DPM) incorporated the Federal Financial Report (FFR) into the Payment Management System (PMS) and discontinued its use of the Electronic PSC-272. As a result, beginning with the quarter ending December 31, 2009 and beyond, grantees must submit Federal Cash Transaction Reports using PMS FFR instead of the PSC-272. The new PMS FFR system is similar to its predecessor except that grantees must use the new FFR form and file their reports within 30 days of the quarter’s end instead of 45 days.

Throughout November and December 2009, DPM notified the grantees in e-mails, web-based training sessions and postings on its PMS website of the PMS FFR implementation. It is important to reiterate, however, that grantee staff members will only be able to prepare and/or certify the FFR reports if they have access to PMS.Under the prior Electronic PSC-272 system, such access was not required. Consequently, it may be helpful to remind your grantee community (as DPM will) that if they have staff that prepare or certify financial reports but do not have PMS user privileges, that they should request such privileges by completing the PMS user form at Completed forms should be faxed to DPM as soon as possible.

The following link,, provides access to general information about the PMS FFR system and answers to frequently answered questions. It also provides access to two PMS FFR software reference documents: (1) Quick Reference Guide for Completing the Federal Financial Report; and (2) Recipient Instructions for Completing the Federal Financial Report in the Payment Management System.

DPM has also augmented its PMS help desk staff to address the expected increased volume of questions from grantees and agency PMS users. The help desk can be reached on 877-614-5533 or by e-mail at PMSSUPPORT@PSC.GOV.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this memo or the FFR, please do not hesitate to call one of DPM's managers: For programmatic questions please call or e-mail Kassandra Miles. Kassandra can be reached at 301-443-1558 or ( For PMS systems-related questions, please call or e-mail Steve Campbell. Steve can be reached at 301-443-9210 or (

Last Modified: 6/29/2011 1:59:56 PM