BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publications & Products: Offenders demographics
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Record 1 - 3 of 3 displayed.
Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication Criminal Victimization, 2009 Presents the annual estimates of rates and levels of violent crime (rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault), property crime (burglary, motor vehicle theft, and property theft), and personal theft (pocket picking and purse snatching).
Part of the Criminal Victimization Series
10/13/2010 NCJ 231327
Data Table Criminal Victimization in the United States -- Statistical Tables, 2006 Presents tables with detailed data on major variables measured by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
Part of the Criminal Victimization in the United States Series
8/1/2008 NCJ 223436
Data Table Criminal Victimization in the United States -- Statistical Tables, 2004 Presents tables with detailed data on major variables measured by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
Part of the Criminal Victimization in the United States Series
6/1/2006 NCJ 213257

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