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Americans Deserve More

September 28, 2012

Americans Deserve More
Since taking the majority, House Republicans have supported policies that protect millionaires at the expense of Medicare and the middle class. Instead of taking action to create jobs, they have voted over 60 times against considering common-sense Democratic and bipartisan proposals to create or protect American jobs. Specifically, they voted:

  • 19 times AGAINST considering critical “Make It In America” initiatives -- many of which are bipartisan – such as strengthening U.S. innovation and leveling the playing field with China;
  • 13 times AGAINST considering efforts to prevent or discourage the shipping of American jobs overseas and to crack down on offshore tax havens and in favor of pro-outsourcing measures;
  • 19 times AGAINST considering efforts to ensure that tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses get enacted; and
  • 13 times AGAINST other parts of President Obama’s American Jobs Act and considering proposals to rebuild America, like the bipartisan Senate job-creating highway and transit bill.

Democrats have proposed a different path. We are committed to reigniting the American Dream and rebuilding the pillars of America that have made our economy strong: small businesses, entrepreneurs, and an all-inclusive and thriving middle class.

Congresswoman Pelosi meets with Dr. Leslie Wong, President of San Francisco State University

Congresswoman Pelosi meets with Dr. Leslie Wong, President of San Francisco State University, and his wife, Phyllis Wong, to discuss the importance of ensuring college affordability to students of all backgrounds.

Celebrating the Patient’s Bill of Rights
The Affordable Care Act, passed by Democratic majorities in the House and Senate in 2010, is designed to put you, not the health insurance companies, back in charge of your health care. This week, we celebrated the two-year anniversary since the Patient’s Bill of Rights went into effect. This crucial part of the health reform law was created to stop the worst of insurance company abuses. Under the Patient’s Bill of Rights, children can no longer be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition, health plans cannot put a lifetime limit on health coverage, and children can stay on their parent’s insurance until age 26. For more information about the Patient’s Bill of Rights, please visit

California Leads the Way
In America, we believe every vote counts, and every vote must be counted as cast. On Monday, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill making it easier for Californians to participate in elections by allowing for same-day voter registration. Already, voters in our state can register online thanks to Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Senator Leland Yee. As this new bill is implemented over the coming years, the process will be made easier and more streamlined. This year’s election will be held on November 6, 2012. In order to cast your vote, register by October 22, 2012. For more information on how you can register online, by mail, or at your neighborhood library or post office, please visit the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Clarity for LGBT Families
Today, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that she would direct U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to issue written guidance to field offices codifying that LGBT family ties would be recognized in immigration cases. The directive by Secretary Napolitano is welcome and will provide a measure of clarity and confidence to families dealing with separation in immigration cases. In August, I was pleased to join my colleagues Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) and 81 additional Members of Congress calling on DHS to recognize, explicitly and in writing, the ties of a same-sex partner or spouse as a positive factor for discretionary relief in immigration enforcement deportation cases. To read our letter, please visit my website.

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