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Meehan Salutes Troops Before Overseas Deployment

Philadelphia – Today U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) delivered remarks at the deployment of Alpha Troop, 1st of the 104th Cavalry, the 28th Infantry Division of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. The troop departs today for training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi before a one year deployment in Kuwait.

“It’s an honor for me to have the opportunity to visit with these brave troops and their families, and salute them before they deploy for their overseas mission,” said Meehan. “I thanked them for their courageous service to our country, I thanked their families for supporting their service, and wished them a safe deployment.”

Also known as the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, Alpha Troop was founded in 1774 and is one of the oldest units in the United States military. The Troop has been involved in almost every conflict the U.S. has entered.  In recent years, the Troop deployed to Bosnia, Iraq, and Egypt.

In his remarks, Meehan discussed the importance of caring for our troops when they return from overseas, including ensuring our veterans are able to find employment. He unveiled his recently introduced legislation to create a pilot program to help veterans find jobs based on their military experience.

The bill, H.R. 6401, would create a one-year pilot program to help veterans find jobs based on their military experience. The pilot job search program, which would be conducted at the Labor Department’s One-Stop Centers, would establish a one-stop online center for employers to post employment opportunities that can only be accessed by veterans. There, veterans will use the site to match the skills they learned in the military to available job opportunities.

Reps. Gus Bilirakis (FL-09), Larry Bucshon (IN-08), and David Loebsack (IA-02) are original cosponsors of Meehan’s bill. Senators Pat Toomey (PA) and Richard Burr (NC) have introduced the companion bill in the Senate.

“Veterans across this country are struggling to find job opportunities, and particularly jobs that match-up with their skills and military experience,” said Meehan. “This legislation doesn’t just help veterans find jobs, but helps keep the promise of a grateful nation when they come home.”

“As a member of the Senate Veterans Jobs Caucus, I am very concerned about the ability of veterans, including those recently returning from Afghanistan, to find good jobs during this economic downturn. This fiscally responsible bill would allow the Labor Department to test a new program to help veterans connect with employers and maximize the skills they’ve learned in the military,” Sen. Toomey said. “The courageous men and women who serve in our armed forces deserve to return home to a steady job, a paycheck and a promising future, and I’d like to thank Rep. Meehan for his work on this important issue in the House.”
