Reporting Unethical or Illegal Activity

Doing What's Right

How we work is as important at the work we do

High standards are more than a slogan or catch phrase - they represent the way we do business. Maintaining high standards means conducting business ethically and legally. Adhering to these standards helps us protect the reputation for excellence and integrity that we've built as an organization.

If you see or suspect unethical or illegal activity, report it immediately. While speaking directly to a manager or supervisor may be the most effective way to report your concerns, Argonne also offers another option for Doing What's Right. We have retained the services of The Network, an independent reporting service that allows you to communicate via the Internet or by telephone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may even communicate anonymously if you choose.

Some common examples of unethical or illegal activity include:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Accounting or auditing irregularities
  • Theft
  • Fraud, waste, or abuse
  • Disclosure of proprietary information
  • Misuse of Argonne equipment
  • Improper dealings with customers or vendors
  • Use or sale of illegal drugs
  • Working while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Speak Up!

If you see or suspect unethical or illegal behavior, you may report your concerns by contacting The Network.

Report Unethical or Illegal Activity:

Available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week

Anytime from any location
You DO NOT have to give your name.

Upon receipt of a report, The Network will forward the information to Argonne's Legal Department for investigation and follow up.
Reports submitted to The Network will be handled promptly and discreetly.
Retaliation of any kind against anyone who reports a concern is a violation of Argonne's principles and will not be tolerated.

We believe every employee shares in the responsibility for promoting a positive workplace and making a commitment to Doing What's Right.