
Lamborn Holds Firm on Protecting All Americans from Massive Democrat Tax Hikes

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today reiterated his call for across-the-board protection for all Americans from the largest tax increase in American history. The 2001and 2003 tax cuts are set to expire in January 2011 unless Congress acts to extend them.

“Americans everywhere are struggling to find work and make ends meet in the worst economy since the great Depression.  They are asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’ Seventy percent of jobs are created by small business owners – the very people who would be hit hardest by the Democrat tax hike in January.  Congress must act now to ensure that all Americans are protected from the largest tax increase in American history. This is the very least that Congress can do to grow the economy. 

“My three-point plan calls for (1) cutting taxes and non-defense spending across-the-board, (2) increasing domestic energy production, and (3) restoring market stability by reducing federal regulations and mandates. If we commit to these three things, I am certain our economy will take off and the jobs will return.”– Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

For more on the Congressman’s three-point plan to grow the economy, click here.
