U.S. Congressman Dan Webster | 8th District of Florida

Webster Wire – Weekly Newsletter

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10/04/2012 Serving you
Dear Friend, Earlier this week I had the opportunity to once again visit with hardworking employees, business owners, seniors, and students across our Central Florida communities. The narrative I hear from these important conversations continues to r...
09/21/2012 4 steps to restore our local economy
Dear Friend, Earlier this week I had the opportunity to once again visit with hardworking employees, business owners, seniors, and students across our Central Florida communities. The narrative I hear from these important conversations continues to r...
09/05/2012 A tax code that works for you
Dear Friend, 3.8 million words – that is the length of our current tax code. For perspective, consider the foundational document of our Republic, the Constitution, has less than 5,000 words. Both the dictionary and the Bible combined have less than h...
08/08/2012 I'd like to share a story with you.
Contrary to what the Administration claims about small businesses, I believe that small businesses have built America. The video below tells the story of just one of America's family-owned businesses. The video below tells the story of just one of Am...
07/24/2012 Tell Washington to take a Time-Out
Dear Friend, This week, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act, a comprehensive package that will freeze federal regulatory action that is likely to cost $100 million or m...
06/28/2012 Today's decision...
Dear Friend, As you’ve likely heard, this morning the Supreme Court ruled on President Obama’s federal health care law. If you haven’t read through the opinion yet, I encourage you to visit Webster.House.Gov. One of the lines I found most interesting...
06/11/2012 They deserve better
Dear Friend, In recent tours of the Orlando VA construction site, it was obvious that design deficiencies and excessive change orders have created extensive delays and have handcuffed the timely delivery of this critical project. This facility is a n...
05/31/2012 Are You Ready?
Dear Friend, With the recent threat of Tropical Storm Beryl and the impact to northern Florida, we should all take time to assemble our emergency kits and plan for our families and businesses. Taking the time now to consider plans for evacuations, po...
05/15/2012 Flushing Out Intrusion on Your Privacy
REMINDER: After May 15, I may not be able to send you Webster Wire email updates unless you become a subscriber. Over the next several months, Congress will be considering positive solutions to help put Central Floridians back to work, protect your p...
05/08/2012 Seniors Count
This month marks Older Americans Month, which is an opportunity to celebrate the lives of seniors. Over the last year, my goal has been to protect and preserve Medicare for both now and the future. It is time for us to work together to ensure that pr...
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