Instrument : Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer (NFOV)

Instrument Categories
Radiometric, Cloud Properties

Picture of the Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer (NFOV)
Picture of the Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer (NFOV)

General Overview

The Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer (NFOV) is a ground-based radiometer that looks straight up. As implied by the name, the field of view of the instrument is narrow, thus permitting the measurement of the downwelling zenith radiance. The output of the instrument consists of a time series of 1-sec observations of the zenith spectral radiance. The radiance is measured at a wavelength of 869 nm. Data from the instrument have many uses; for example, the internal structure of clouds may be characterized by examining a time series of the radiance data.

Output Datastreams

  • nfov : Narrow Field of View (NFOV)
  • nfov2ch : Narrow Field of View-2 channel (NFOV2CH)

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant.


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (FKB)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GRW)
    • Graciosa Island, Azores, Portugal (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (HFE)
    • Shouxian, Anhui, China (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PGH)
    • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PVC)
    • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PYE)
    • Point Reyes, CA (M1)


Gary Hodges
(303) 497-6460