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FOIA - Mission Statement

The Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Division/Office is responsible for administering policies, programs, and procedures to ensure Department of Energy compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act (PA), 5 U.S.C. § 552 and 5 U.S.C. § 552a, respectively.

Here you will find helpful resources for finding information about the Bonneville Power Administration and the Department of Energy. Although the FOIA provides any person the right to obtain federal agency records unless the record is protected by one of nine exemptions, publicly available information can be obtained without submitting a formal FOIA request and the answers you are seeking may have already been answered. So, before submitting a request, we suggest you browse our Web site (search field in the top right corner of this page) and our expanding electronic reading room for the specific topic or information. You can save time and money by browsing previous FOIA requests in our FOIA Reading Room and searching, as the information you are interested in may already be available. If, however, the information is not available, submit a FOIA request.

In some instances, you may also want to search and contact other Department of Energy FOIA and Privacy Act offices. For a list of DOE FOIA Requester Service Centers and FOIA Public Liaisons, click here. This list provides Web addresses and contact information.


FOIA Reading Room

What is FOIA?

How to Submit a Request

Response Time

Electronic Request Form


Other Informational Links



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Need help finding something? Send us a message, or give us a call at 800-622-4519.
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