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Annual - 1981 to 1995

For data since 1996, see Customize Table

  All Services Scheduled Service Non-Scheduled Service
Revenue Passenger ton-miles in thousands (000) Revenue Freight ton-miles in thousands (000) Over-all available ton-miles in thousands (000) Revenue Passenger Enplanements in thousands (000) Revenue Passenger ton-miles in thousands (000) Revenue Freight ton-miles in thousands (000) Over-all available ton-miles in thousands (000)  Over-all revenue load factor % Aircraft Revenue Departures  Revenue Passenger Miles (000) in thousands (000) Available seat miles in thousands (000)  Over-all available ton-miles in thousands (000)  Over-all aircraft Revenue miles in thousands (000) 
1981 26,006,304 7,917,192 64,244,767 285,270 24,888,837 5,618,113 61,185,825 52.2 5,211,867 11,175,294 13,880,966 3,058,944 95,356
1982 27,243,535 7,807,403 65,769,930 293,244 25,964,419 5,424,233 62,400,626 52.6 4,963,794 12,790,875 15,819,162 3,369,306 105,547
1983 29,514,326 8,496,903 68,778,295 317,905 28,182,910 6,026,755 65,384,562 54.7 5,033,906 13,314,626 16,439,041 3,393,732 114,017
1984 31,950,400 9,327,544 76,298,288 343,264 30,511,608 6,504,162 72,222,810 53.6 5,448,150 14,387,946 18,780,747 4,075,297 130,629
1985 35,106,979 9,047,799 80,565,182 380,024 33,640,249 6,020,993 76,059,016 54.3 5,835,474 14,670,456 17,888,643 4,506,166 141,840
1986 37,895,645 10,987,513 90,243,958 418,493 36,655,373 7,344,054 85,139,563 53.7 6,426,970 12,375,150 15,637,465 5,106,854 148,249
1987 41,786,983 13,136,973 99,152,795 447,307 40,452,656 8,260,199 92,208,517 54.7 6,581,309 13,358,573 22,150,055 6,944,190 194,222
1988 43,764,877 14,632,309 105,372,555 454,614 42,330,452 9,632,063 97,899,260 55.0 6,699,564 14,346,990 19,535,063 7,473,294 212,601
1989 44,748,070 16,347,294 109,397,126 453,692 43,271,421 10,274,860 100,082,172 55.4 6,622,080 14,766,111 19,512,231 9,314,953 249,206
1990 47,223,558 16,403,524 117,112,475 465,557 45,792,630 10,546,329 107,559,358 54.2 6,923,593 14,309,361 19,835,684 9,558,622 232,808
1991 46,329,643 16,149,708 116,374,506 452,210 44,795,483 10,225,199 105,599,057 53.9 6,782,782 15,341,552 22,830,463 10,775,454 245,408
1992 49,373,197 17,306,619 122,267,462 473,305 47,855,368 11,129,712 112,749,313 54.2 7,050,633 15,161,019 20,096,740 9,518,150 238,490
1993 50,599,323 19,082,941 126,329,589 487,249 48,968,441 11,943,595 115,473,414 54.6 7,245,395 16,311,651 22,318,046 10,856,179 271,288
1994 53,750,538 21,772,967 133,898,441 528,376 51,938,170 13,792,157 120,797,663 56.3 7,531,026 18,124,690 24,909,698 13,100,777 326,197
1995 55,875,407 23,374,677 140,053,033 547,384 54,065,620 14,577,522 126,153,760 56.3 8,061,521 18,113,598 24,181,783 13,910,923 333,651

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