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U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy | Representing 4th District of South Carolina


Press Releases

Gowdy's Statement on IG Report regarding Fast and Furious
September 19, 2012

Gowdy's Statement on IG Report regarding Fast and Furious

Today, Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-4) released the following statement regarding the Inspector General’s report on Fast and Furious.


“The Congressional investigation into Fast and Furious was always about pursuing justice for Special Agent Brian Terry and his family and holding the institutions of government responsible for its errors.”  


“The Inspector General's comprehensive report delivered today confirms the legitimacy of this investigation.  While we knew ATF was at fault for this flawed investigation the IG's report confirms the Department of Justice in Washington also had a failure of leadership including the very top of the chain of command in Attorney General Eric Holder.”


“Further to same, many of us knew that any responsible reading of the wiretap applications would have put the reader on notice about the tactic of gun walking.  The IG report confirms this.”  [FULL VIDEO]

“I am pleased the Department of Justice has agreed to release more documents.  I call on the Attorney General to release all documents so the truth and nothing but the full, complete, and total truth can be known by the family of Brian Terry and our fellow citizens.”   
