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Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

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This is the text version of the slide presentation titled Identifying, Categorizing, and Evaluating Healthcare Efficiency Measures.

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Identifying, Categorizing, and Evaluating Healthcare Efficiency Measures

  1. Identifying, Categorizing, and Evaluating Healthcare Efficiency Measures
  2. The Work Was Done by A Multidisciplinary Team
  3. Overview of Talk
  4. Many Fortune 50 Companies Are Demanding Cost and Quality Metrics on Physicians
  5. Purchasers Are Using Efficiency Metrics In Several Ways
  6. But...
  7. Overview of Talk: Present RAND's typology
  8. Definition of Efficiency Measure
  9. Efficiency Measures Typology Overview
  10. Perspective
  11. Context Matters in Efficiency Measurement
  12. Use of Information Varies With Perspective
  13. Output: What's Being Produced?
  14. Examples of Outputs by Type
  15. Inputs
  16. Technical and Productive Efficiency Measures Point to Different Root Causes of (In)Efficiency
  17. Social Efficiency
  18. RAND's Efficiency Typology
  19. Overview of Talk: Review existing measures
  20. Identifying Existing Efficiency Measures
  21. Overview of Article Flow
  22. Measures in Literature Dominated by Hospital Perspective & Service Outputs
  23. 40 Different Physical Inputs Identified in Peer Reviewed Literature
  24. No measures using health services as outputs explicitly incorporated a measurement of quality
  25. Different Worlds of Efficiency Measures
  26. Vendor-Developed Measures
  27. Vendor-Developed Measures (continued)
  28. Overview of Talk: Examples
  29. Some Examples of Efficiency Measures
  30. Measures We Wouldn't Classify as Efficiency
  31. We Asked What the Evidence Was Regarding Whether the Measure Was...
  32. Summary of Findings
  33. Overview of Talk: Concluding thoughts
  34. Conclusion
  35. Some Priorities for the Future
  36. Rand Health


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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care