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Ellmers Responds to President Obama's Decision on Keystone

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement from her office in Washington this afternoon:

"This afternoon, the Obama Administration decided against supporting the Keystone XL Pipeline and showed that it is against job creation and lowering energy costs. Once more, the president has capitulated to his liberal base and played politics with American jobs. Once more, the American people are left with a president who cares less about real jobs and sustainable solutions, and more about government intervention and costly regulations. We will continue to pass pro-growth, free market solutions to our economic distress here in the House as the president continues to ignore the damage being done to job creators and American prosperity." 

This afternoon, the State Department announced its intention to reject the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline. As Fox Newsreported this afternoon, "while the State Department for three years has been reviewing the initial proposal to run a pipeline from Canada down to Texas through a sensitive Nebraska aquifer, and it had been through several other approvals, the department backed away from plan after environmentalists complained."

It goes on to note that "industry workers and Republicans contend the project would create thousands of jobs, and Canada's prime minister has warned if the U.S. can't get on board, the North American nation will look to team with China."

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For more information, please visit Congresswoman Ellmers’ website at www.ellmers.house.gov or call (202) 225-4531.

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Tom Doheny

Press Secretary

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers R-NC-2

Washington, DC


Office: (202) 225-4531