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Ellmers Praises Passage of IPAB Repeal

H.R. 5 Produces $48 Billion in Savings for Taxpayers While

Offsetting the $3 Billion Cost of Repealing IPAB

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement from her office in Washington this afternoon:

"I'm proud to announce the successful passage of H.R. 5 to repeal the Independent Patient Advisory Board (IPAB). IPAB was created under Obamacare to slash Medicare spending by restricting health care services from seniors in need.  By repealing IPAB, we will restore the doctor-patient relationship and protect our seniors from ceding this relationship to a board of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats - who would have power over their health and the lives of millions of other Americans.

"Our system must not dictate to doctors how to provide care, force them to prescribe medication regardless of known complications, and then make them liable with no limits or protections. We must provide both patients and medical professionals with a secure safety net. I call on the Senate to pass this bill, repeal IPAB, and begin to put in place reforms that actually protect our doctors and their patients."

"I ran for office in order to defund, dismantle, repeal, and replace Obamacare. By passing H.R. 5 today, another blow has been made to the president's takeover of our healthcare system. I will not rest until the entire law is repealed and today we are one step closer to fulfilling this promise."

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