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Introduction Spotlight

The Confidential Close Call System (C3RS) is a research project intended to improve railroad safety by studying near miss incidents, determining root causes for unsafe conditions, and developing corrective actions and preventative measures. The project, sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration and implemented by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), operates under agreements with Union Pacific Railroad (UP), Canadian Pacific Railway (CP), and New Jersey Transit (NJT) to allow employees of participating railroads to voluntarily report close call events without threat of disciplinary action. More information about the organization, activities, and outcomes of C3RS can be found throughout this site and at www.closecallsrail.org.

Click the following picture to watch the video tutorial for reporting online (it may take a minute or two to load).

Video tutorial for reporting online
Recent Releases
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation