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National Security & Foreign Policy

Congressman Polis profoundly respect for our servicemen and women in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world, who so bravely serve our country. In order for the United States Military to retain the best and the brightest in all fields, he helped lead the fight to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

Congressman Polis believes that when a member of the armed forces makes the decision to serve their country, we make a promise to care for that individual both in the line of duty and after his or her return home. The estimated 700,000 veterans and military personnel returning from Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world should never doubt our commitment to care for them and their families. It is the responsibility of Members of Congress to ensure the U.S. government is keeping its promise, not only to the veterans and military families in our own districts and states but across the country.

Congressman Polis is a strong supporter of a robust, efficient and well-funded Department of Veterans Affairs. He believes that in addition to providing for the medical needs of our returning veterans, the Department should be fully equipped to serve as a resource for veterans and their families. Congressman Polis is working to ensure that all veterans have access to quality educational opportunities and job training programs that cater to their diverse needs.

Throughout his first term in the House of Representatives, Congressman Polis worked with the Obama administration, the Colorado Congressional delegation, and numerous veterans organizations in Colorado to advocate for the creation of the Denver VA Medical Center at the University of Colorado hospital complex in Aurora, Colorado. In November of 2011, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced a commitment of a $580.2 million contract to construct the replacement facility on the site of the former Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. The new VA hospital will include a 182-bed medical center and a 30-bed Spinal Cord Injury and Disorder Center. The Center is expected to be completed by 2015, and Congressman Polis is committed to working with his colleagues to ensure that this deadline is met.

Office Contact: For more information on or questions about national security issues, please contact the Washington office. For questions about or information about veterans issues, please contact Adam Lowenstein in the Washington office. You can also visit Congressman Polis' Legislation Page or find information on bills and amendments that he’s cosponsored in Congress.

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