Making the Web Work for Science: 
The Impact of e-Science and the Cyber-Infrastructure

A One-Day Workshop Co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS and Hosted by FLICC
Library of Congress, Mumford Room, 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20540

December 8, 2008
  9:00am - 4:30pm


Note: Where available, presentations are provided in Adobe .pdf files linked from the presentation title unless otherwise noted.

8:30am - 9:00am:  Registration/Coffee
9:00am - 9:15am:  Welcome/Opening Remarks
  Roberta Shaffer, Director of FLICC, Library of Congress
9:15am - 10:00am: Making the Web Work for Science:  The Current Landscape

The opening keynote will provide an overview of how the Web is currently being utilized for the advancement of science and scholarly communication.
Roberta Shaffer will introduce Dr. Christine L. Borgman, Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, and author of Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet.

  Digital Libraries of Scientific Data:  Now Here or Nowhere?
Dr. Christine L. Borgman
Creative Commons License "Digital Libraries of Scientific Data: Now Here or Nowhere?" by Dr. Christine L. Borgman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on various other works - contact author for more information.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .
10:00am - 10:15am: Break and Networking Opportunity
10:15am - 11:45 pm: Making the Web Work for Science:  The Content Providers’ Perspective
  This session will focus on how innovative content providers, including Federal STI program leaders, librarians, and publishers are leveraging current Web technologies in order to maximize global access to and use of scientific and scholarly information. The use of Web 2.0 features such as Wiki’s, RSS feeds and blogs will be discussed as will plans for the future.  The panel participants are Dr. Walter Warnick, Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Energy; Dr. Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University; and Howard Ratner, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Nature Publishing Group.  Karen Spence, DOE/OSTI, will moderate.
  The Content Providers' Perspective:  DOE/OSTI Collects and CONNECTS”, Dr. Walter Warnick
  "Using the Open Archives Initiative - Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) to Support e-Science", Dr. Sayeed Choudhury
  Making the Web Work for Science – Nature Publishing Group’s Approach”, Howard Ratner
11:45am - 12:45pm: Lunch
12:45pm - 2:00pm: Making the Web Work for Science:  What Scientists Really Need!
  In this session, two practicing scientists will discuss their use of conventional and Web-based information tools for scientific research, what works and what does not, and what they believe the information community needs to provide in order to maximize the full potential of the Web as an effective and essential resource for scientific discovery.  The panel participants are Dr. Antony Williams, Founder, ChemSpider; and Dr. Alberto Conti, Astrophysicist, Space Telescope Science Institute.  Jill O’Neill, NFAIS, will moderate.
  Qualifying Online Information Resources for Chemists
Dr. Antony Williams
  "New Frontiers in Astronomy: the Challenge of Massive Datasets"
Dr. Alberto Conti
2:00pm - 3:30pm: Making the Web Work for Science: Challenges to Implementation
  In this session, three experts will discuss the technological, legal and cultural challenges that organizations must overcome – libraries, publishing institutions, scientific laboratories, etc. - so that each can utilize the full potential of the Internet and the Web to fulfill a common mission – to build the world’s knowledgebase through enabling research and managing the flow of scholarly communication.  The participants are Dr. Michael R. Nelson, Visiting Professor at Georgetown University; Fred Haber, Vice President and General Counsel, Copyright Clearance Center (link to Frederic Haber's slides); Dr. Michael Nielsen, Physicist and Science Writer, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada).  Bonnie C. Carroll, Executive Director of the CENDI Secretariat, will moderate.
3:30pm - 3:45pm: Break
3:45pm - 4:30pm:  Making the Web Work for Science: What the Future Holds
  This final keynote will explore the future promise of the Web and the various ways in which the cyber-infrastructure can ultimately re-engineer not only how scientific research is conducted, but also how the resultant information is communicated, shared, verified, and built upon as scientists and scholars around the globe increasingly collaborate in building the world’s knowledgebase of scientific and scholarly information.  Ellen Herbst, NTIS Director, will introduce Dr. Chris Greer, recently of the National Science Foundation’s Cyber-Infrastructure Office, and currently the Director of Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD). (Link to Dr. Greer's slides)
4:30pm: Adjournment