Rep. Wasserman Schultz Statement on the GOP Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON – Today Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) released the following statement in response to the latest Republican budget proposal for 2013:

“Our nation's budget is a reflection of what we value as a country, what kind of future we want to build for our children, whether we honor our commitment to our veterans, and what kind of quality of life our seniors have after years of hard work.

“The plan offered by Republicans ends Medicare as we know it and helps big insurance companies while putting the guaranteed coverage seniors have earned and paid for at risk.

“At a time when our focus should be on investing in job creation to strengthen the middle class, the Republican budget continues to ensure tax breaks for the millionaires and billionaires, and provide tax loopholes for big oil companies and big corporations. 

"Rather than ensuring that everyone has a fair chance at living the American dream if they work hard and play by the same rules, this budget makes arbitrary cuts that don’t distinguish between wasteful spending and investments we need for the future."


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