Representatives Sponsor Bi-Partisan House Version of Senators Menendez/Clinton Port Security Bill - Legislation bans foreign government control of port operations in the U.S., halts UAE P&O deal

(Washington, DC)  --  Reps. Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) and Poe (TX-2) joined by Reps. Clyburn (SC-6), McNulty (NY-21), Nadler (NY-8), and Pallone (NJ-6), announced today that they have introduced legislation identical to that introduced in the Senate by Senators Robert Menendez and Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

The legislation was necessitated by a controversial business transaction approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS) which turned over port terminal operations at six of the largest U.S. ports to a United Arab Emirates company that is owned by the government of the UAE.

"We simply cannot allow U.S. port operators to answer to a foreign government and our legislation would ban foreign governments from controlling operations at U.S. ports," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz (FL-20).  "Additionally, the legislation will halt the UAE P&O deal; mandate a Congressional review of existing foreign government-owned companies currently operating in U.S. ports, and it will make the CFIUS process more transparent by requiring notification of Congress and affected states' Governors."


"In the world we live in today, there is nothing more important than our country's security," said Rep. Poe (TX-2).  "This legislation is a step in the right direction in securing American Ports and keeping the 'fox out of the hen house.'  The decision to let the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have a stake in the operations of US ports is simply a dangerous one.  History has shown that friends of the United States come and go, who is with us today may not be tomorrow. There is solid evidence that shows the UAE recognized the Taliban, laundered money to 9/11 terrorists and continues to participate in the Arab boycott against Israel. By allowing this deal to go through, these same foreign entities will have access to US manifests showing what cargo is being shipped and when and where it is going, including military cargo."


 "In a post-9/11 world, we must raise the veil of secrecy surrounding the CFIUS process, conduct a thorough investigation of the UAE deal and review other foreign government-owned companies with control of U.S. port operations, or we may pay a heavy price," said Clyburn, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.  "Americans deserve to know that their government isn't delivering a line of rhetoric, but providing a line of protection by sea, by air and by land."


"This bill goes much further than just blocking the Dubai Ports World deal.  I don't think any U.S. port should be operated by an entity that is owned or controlled by a foreign government," Congressman Michael R. McNulty (NY-21) said.  "Our bill puts in place a blanket prohibition on such arrangements.  Unelected bureaucrats should not be making decisions like this -- which profoundly affect our national security."


"Based on the Congressional outrage we've seen for the president's UAE port deal, I am hopeful our legislation will garner strong bipartisan support," Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-6) said.  "We simply cannot afford to outsource portions of our homeland security, and that's why passage of this legislation is so critical." 


"Our bill protects our national security in several vital ways," said U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ). "The bill bans foreign government-owned companies from controlling operations in our ports and requires the president to report to Congress on how to manage national security risks arising from any existing port contracts. This legislation sets a new standard for the future control of our ports and I am proud to stand with Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz and Congressman Poe to fight for it."


Port operators are responsible for cargo inspection, the security of the port facility, and the hiring of personnel. 


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