
Pay Our Troops

I want to take a moment to address some of the concerns expressed to me regarding a possible government shutdown.  The current temporary spending measure that is funding the federal government runs out after April 8th and we do not yet have in place a replacement funding measure for the rest of the fiscal year.

First, I am working to keep the government open. That is in everyone’s best interest.

I am concerned that our active duty military personnel would have to be paid retroactively in the event of a possible shutdown. This is unacceptable.

I have sent a letter, along with many of my House colleagues, to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging him to pass H.R. 1, the House-passed spending measure to fund the government through the remainder of this fiscal year.

From theletter:

[W]e call for your assurances to secure national defense funding, and in particular the salaries of our servicemen and women, regardless of the outcome of our ongoing debate on overall domestic funding.

DoD has indicated that issues impacting service members’ financial security do impact the military’s operational readiness, as service members need to be focused on the field tasks at hand rather than on worrying about financial issues back home. Pulling these brave men and women into a policy debate, for political purposes, lack of foresight, or by mistake is wrong. Our nation’s war fighters, nor their spouses, should have to worry whether or not they, or their families, will get paid next week, next month, or next year. Unfortunately, these concerns are already occurring as a result of recent DoD Guidance.

Additionally, I have co-sponsored a bill to guarantee that our troops get paid during a possible shutdown.H.R. 1297, the Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act, H.R., provides emergency stop-gap funding for full, on time payment of pay and allowances for members of the military.

This bill will appropriate funds for members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Reserve components, National Guard, and Coast Guard.

As I get more information on developments to keep the government open, while getting our budget deficits under control, I will share it with you.

It is an honor to serve you in Congress.
