
Lamborn Votes to Cut Cash for Healthcare Reform Law

This week Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) voted in favor of two bills aimed at defunding key elements of ObamaCare.

Today Congressman Doug Lamborn voted in favor of H.R. 1214, Repealing the School-Based Health Center Construction Fund for ObamaCare. The House passed the bill by a vote of 235 to 191. H.R. 1214 eliminates wasteful and duplicative funding for construction and renovation of school health clinics.

Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 1213, Repealing the Unlimited HHS Exchange Slush Fund, by a vote of  238-183.  H.R. 1213 repeals a wasteful ObamaCare slush fund, saving $14 billion over ten years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

“These bills protect taxpayers from billions of dollars in wasteful spending. It makes no sense to build and renovate health clinics that may never actually provide care to anyone. It also makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to create healthcare exchanges without Congressional approval and oversight. These bills contain responsible and reasonable spending cuts that will restore much-needed fiscal sanity to our budget.”  - Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


H.R. 1214

ObamaCare mandated $200 million to build and renovate those clinics. However, President Obama did not request any money in this year’s budget to staff and operate the centers.

Additionally, between the “stimulus” bill and ObamaCare, $3 billion has been made available for renovations and upgrades at Community Health Centers which many school health centers are eligible for. 

H.R. 1214repeals this latest slush fund, saving $100 million, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


H.R. 1213

Under ObamaCare, the Secretary of Health and Human Services had virtually unlimited access to the U.S. Treasury for various activities related to government mandated health insurance exchanges.  Rather than being subject to annual appropriations and Congressional approval, the Secretary is set to get a bottomless pit of mandatory spending.  


Note: Lamborn also co-sponsored H.R. 2, the House-passed bill repealing ObamaCare. That bill is awaiting action in the Senate.


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