
Lamborn Calls for Senate to Return to Washington


"I urge my Democrat colleagues in the Senate to return to Washington and work with the House on a bill to give a full year tax break to American families.

“The House stands ready to get the job done, and work through the holidays, just as many other Americans are doing. We are committed to giving middle class families a tax cut for a full year as the President has requested.

“Americans fortunate enough to have a job in this economy are not on vacation, and Congress shouldn’t be either.” – Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Note: Today the House voted to call for a conference committee to work out a compromise bill between the House and Senate versions passed last week. If the Senate fails to return to Washington before the end of the year, taxes could go up on middle class families, millions of Americans could lose their unemployment benefits, and doctor’s reimbursement rates for care to elderly would drop dramatically.

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