
Lamborn Calls for Action on Keystone Pipeline


Congressman Doug Lamborn, along with 57 of his House colleagues, today sent a letter to President Obama urging him to take quick action on the Administration’s decision on the Keystone XL Project.

The Keystone XL Project would create an estimated 20,000 shovel-ready jobs. The pipeline would deliver about 31,500,000 gallons of oil from a friendly ally to U.S. consumers daily, reducing the need for imports from less friendly sources.

From the letter:

Construction of the pipeline will create thousands of jobs and inject millions of dollars into local economies. While the Keystone XL Project cannot solve America’s energy crisis alone, it is a necessary step for the U.S. economy, U.S. national security and U.S energy needs.

The Administration’s latest delay is consistent with President Obama’s track record stopping energy at every turn:

  • An offshore moratorium continues to cost jobs and revenue;
  • Blocking oil exploration in Alaska, both on and offshore;
  • A new 5 year offshore leasing plan that essentially mirrors the moratorium lifted by public demand in 2008 by the president and congress;
  • The lowest revenue numbers for new sales of federal oil and gas leases on record during FY 2011;
  • Pursuing federal intrusion into States’ proper authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing used in almost all oil and gas wells in the US;
  • Cancelling an oil shale leasing program mandated by congress until after the 2012 elections – 5 years late in violation of the law;
  • New taxes and regulatory burdens on U.S. energy production which drive investment and jobs abroad; among others.

To view today’s letter, click here.

To view a July 16, 2010 letter to Secretary Clinton from Congressman Lamborn, please click here.

To view a Dec. 22, 2010 letter to Secretary Clinton from Congressman Lamborn, please click here.

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