U.S. Congressman Dan Webster | 8th District of Florida

Webster's Initiatives for Jobs in Florida

My top priority is to put workers in Central Florida back on the job by removing unnecessary government intrusion from your offices and living rooms, and setting our fiscal house in order to protect the opportunities that should await all future generations of Americans.

For nearly three years, unemployment has been above 8 percent, a level the Administration said would never be reached if the stimulus – that cost taxpayers over one trillion dollars – was passed. For too long, hardworking families have been forced to wait and see if tax-and-spend policies would turn this economy around; these policies clearly have come up short. Unemployment is over 8 percent across the nation, and even higher in parts of Central Florida. With numbers this staggering, the time to look at community-generated solutions that do not involve government spending and government intervention is now.

In order to truly revitalize our economy for long-term sustainability, we must remove roadblocks that business and entrepreneurs face. Webster’s Initiatives for Jobs, an ongoing collection of ideas I’ve heard from constituents across Central Florida, is an outline of solutions to create jobs and provide families with financial security once again.

Community-Generated Solutions to put Floridians back to work and restore financial security for hardworking families

Principles that give investors faith in our country’s direction and solvency;

Policies that encourage businesses – large and small – to thrive and expand

Principle 1: Tackle Washington’s spending habit
Principle 2: Get government out of the way
Principle 3: Produce capital, certainty, and confidence to get this economy rolling again

Policy ideas:

  • Strengthen Florida’s housing market and stabilize housing prices by ensuring that potential homebuyers are not frozen out of the market by over-intrusive government regulations stemming from the Dodd-Frank financial bill.
  • Repeal the senseless 3 percent withholding rule that imposes an unfair burden on small businesses and localities. 3% Withholding Rule Repeal - Passed the House 10/2011 - Became Law 11/2011
  • Maintain a strong right-to-work workforce.
  • End budget gimmicks that enable the reckless spending and helped lead to a job-crippling national debt. Budget Process Improvement Act - Introduced 12/2011
  • Repeal and replace the government health care takeover and control cost of health care while increasing quality and choice of care. Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act - Passed the House 01/2011 - WAITING ON Senate and White House
  • Ratify pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Columbia, which would add an estimated 250,000 American jobs in addition to the nearly 150,000 trade supported jobs in Florida alone. H.R. 3080, H.R. 3079, and H.R. 3078 - Passed the House on 10/2011 - Became Law 10/2011

The above list is by no means the answers to all of our problems. As I mentioned, the real solutions lie within the American people. Please let me know how government is interfering with your business’ ability to grow or your ability to find a job by completing the community feedback form.

Following the Issues: