Congressman Doc Hastings

Serving Central Washington

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  • Taxpayer Funded Auto Bailout is the Wrong Answer
    Dec 19, 2008  - In recent weeks, Congress has debated a taxpayer-funded bailout for the Big Three auto manufacturers. After careful consideration, I could not vote for the proposal because I oppose handing over $14 billion more in taxpayer dollars to bailout and increase government control over private businesses. ... More
  • Resources Committee Post Offers New Opportunity to Serve Rural Communities
    Dec 12, 2008  - This month I was selected by my colleagues in Congress to serve as the top Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee in the new 111th Congress that begins in January. This post offers a new opportunity to make a real difference for families and communities in Central Washington and through... More
  • Central Washington E-Newsletter
    Dec 11, 2008  - Thank you for subscribing to my e-newsletter. I'm pleased to provide this e-newsletter as an additional way for me to keep in touch with Central Washington residents. I hope you find it informative and I encourage you to forward it to any co-workers or friends who might be interested in signing up t... More
  • Protecting Our Veterans
    Dec 5, 2008  - Throughout our history, we have been blessed with men and women who have put their lives on the line to protect America and defend our freedom. Our nation owes our veterans the full support and services they have earned – and keeping this commitment must be a priority. With that in mind, I have seri... More
  • Hanford E-Newsletter
    Nov 26, 2008  - I'm pleased to provide this e-newsletter as an additional way for me to keep in touch with those interested in the cleanup of Hanford, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the Department of Energy policies and programs. I hope you find it informative and I encourage you to forward it to an... More
  • More Lawsuits Won't Lead to Salmon Solution
    Nov 26, 2008  - Here we go again. Dam-busting special interest groups and the State of Oregon are in court arguing yet again that the federal fish recovery plan for the Columbia and Snake River Basins should be tossed out, and that Northwest residents should be forced to pay millions more each year in the name of s... More
  • Central Washington E-Newsletter
    Nov 24, 2008  - Thank you for subscribing to my e-newsletter. I'm pleased to provide this e-newsletter as an additional way for me to keep in touch with Central Washington residents. I hope you find it informative and I encourage you to forward it to any co-workers or friends who might be interested in signing up t... More
  • A Thanksgiving Day Message
    Nov 21, 2008  - Regardless of where we live, where we worship, how old we are or who we voted for – Thanksgiving is a day that we gather with family and friends to express thanks for our many blessings. It is a celebration that is uniquely American, and one that we have celebrated for over three hundred years – sin... More
  • Annual Opportunity for Seniors to Consider Medicare Rx Options
    Nov 14, 2008  - Seniors who want to sign up for a Medicare prescription drug plan, or who want to select a different plan that better fits their needs have the opportunity to do so during the open enrollment period that runs through December 31st. Seniors who are satisfied with their current Medicare prescription d... More
  • Honoring our Veterans
    Nov 7, 2008  - November 11th is one of our nation’s most important holidays. It’s a day that is set aside each year to honor the invaluable sacrifices our veterans have made to keep America safe and protect the freedoms and values upon which our nation was founded. The United States has been blessed throughout its... More