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Research and Evaluation


The Corporation for National and Community Service supports the American culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility. We conduct performance reviews, policy analysis, and other kinds of research to help measure the success of our efforts. A number of research and evaluation reports assess the effectiveness and performance of AmeriCorps programs.

Recent Reports and Analysis

AmeriCorps State Commission Performance Report 2003-2005

The AmeriCorps Performance Report offers a comprehensive review of impact and performance data for the years 2002-2003 through 2004-2005, as well as trends reflecting prior years organized by state.

  • Download Full Report (Large File - 15 MB PDF)
  • Introduction (576 KB PDF)
  • State Profiles:

Youth Helping America Series
Building Active Citizens: The Role of Social Institutions in Teen Volunteering

In collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau and the nonprofit coalition Independent Sector, the Corporation for National and Community Service in early 2005 conducted the Youth Volunteering and Civic Engagement Survey, the first major national study of volunteering by teenagers in more than a decade. The first in a series of briefs based on the survey’s data explores the state of youth volunteering and the connections between youth volunteering and the primary social institutions to which teenagers are exposed – family, schools, and religious congregation. Among other findings, the analysis shows that the state of youth volunteering is robust -- with 55% of youth participating in volunteer activities each year – and that the level of their volunteer commitment is directly related to the nature of the social institutions with which they interact.

Urban Institute Report on Performance Measurement (Outcome Indicators and Outcome Management) focused on identifying outcomes, outcome indicators, and data sources that will enable the Corporation to track the outcomes of its programs, while at the same time using the outcome information to make the Corporation a results-oriented agency, one using outcome management. Read the report (392 KB PDF).

Serving Country and Community: A Longitudinal Study of Service in AmeriCorps
Updated April 2007

Results from a longitudinal study of AmeriCorps members demonstrate the early impacts of national service on members’ civic engagement, education, employment, and life skills. Findings reveal that AmeriCorps alumni are more connected to their communities, more knowledgeable about problems facing their communities, and more likely to participate in community activities. They also are more likely to choose public service careers.

Additional Research and Analysis


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