
  • Bachmann Releases Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers
    Aug 3, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement regarding the latest unemployment numbers reported today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Americans are suffering from President Obama’s failed policies with no end in sight. Forty-two straight months of 8 percent unempl... More
  • Bachmann Stands with Small Business Owners, Votes to Stop Obama’s Tax Hikes
    Aug 1, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement today after voting to stop President Obama’s tax hikes on America’s small business owners: “After 41 straight months of 8 percent unemployment, it is clear that President Obama’s economic policies have failed. Increasing taxes o... More
  • Bachmann Vows to Fight for Full-Scale Repeal of Obamacare
    Jun 28, 2012  - "Health care reforms should ensure families and doctors make health care decisions – not Washington politicians." Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement after the Supreme Court announced their decision to substantially uphold Obamacare: “I am deeply disappointed by t... More
  • Time for Real Tax Reform – No More Gimmicks!
    Apr 19, 2012  - As another Tax Day has come and gone, we reflect upon what’s wrong with our tax system and what can be done to fix it. The President’s idea is to use the tax system as a way of dividing classes by income as he did with the Buffett Rule proposal. He knew it was a gimmick, yet he spent days of taxpaye... More
  • Bachmann Reacts to State of the Union
    Jan 24, 2012  - Tonight, after President Barack Obama delivered the annual State of the Union address, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following response: “President Obama’s State of the Union rhetoric called for ‘fairness’ but the reality is that this President is anything but fair. The Preside... More
  • IRS Removes Two Year Time Limit for Innocent Spouse Relief
    Jul 29, 2011  - In 2000, Cathy Marie Lantz must have felt like she was living in a nightmare. As USA Today reported in June, Cathy’s husband, Dr. Richard Chetnik, a dentist with a seemingly successful practice, was arrested on charges of Medicare fraud. Soon after Richard’s arrest, Cathy received the shocking and c... More
  • Bachmann Lauds IRS Decision to Change Innocent Spouse Rules
    Jul 25, 2011  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06), a former federal tax litigation attorney and sponsor of the “Innocent Spouse Relief Act,” issued the following statement after the Internal Revenue Service announced today the elimination of the two-year time limit on most innocent spouse relief requests: “Ear... More
  • You Can Spend Your Own Income Better Than Washington
    Apr 28, 2011  - Tax Day is over for this year, but that deduction from your paycheck is a constant reminder of the high cost of government. Taxes take a lot from our families, small businesses and from the economy. I believe you are taxed enough already and President Obama needs to recognize that. The House of Repr... More
  • Bachmann and Fitzpatrick Introduce “Innocent Spouse Relief Act”
    Apr 14, 2011  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) and Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-08) issued the following statement after introducing H.R. 1450, the Innocent Spouse Relief Act: "This is a common sense bill that removes the time limit which leaves many innocent taxpayers burdened with penalties caused by ... More
  • Obama’s Tax Hikes are Not the Solution
    Apr 14, 2011  - When President Obama was sworn into office more than two years ago, he took out an unlimited credit card in the name of the American taxpayer and immediately proceeded to charge a trillion-dollar stimulus that failed to hold unemployment below 8 percent, as the White House promised. In February, Pre... More