
  • Bachmann Releases Statement on the Farm Bill
    Sep 21, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement today in response to the House adjourning without considering a farm bill. “I enjoy good communication with farmers in my district and with state and national farm organizations. The farmers, farm organizations and myself are mo... More
  • Bachmann Accepts the “Friend of Farm Bureau” Award
    Sep 14, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) proudly accepted the “Friend of Farm Bureau” Award from the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Minnesota Farm Bureau for the 112th Congress. “Agriculture is such an important facet of Minnesota’s identity. Thank you to the Minnesota Farm Bureau for their c... More
  • Bachmann Accepts the Minnesota Farm Bureau's “Friend of the Year" Award
    Sep 16, 2010  - Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) accepted the “Friend of the Year" Award from the Minnesota Farm Bureau. Bachmann was presented the award in the presence of several young farmers and ranchers from Minnesota and said, “I’m honored to be considered a Friend of the Year by the Minnesota Fa... More
  • Bachmann Nominates Minnesota Voices to U.S Dairy Advisory Committee
    Sep 29, 2009  - Yesterday, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann wrote Secretary Tom Vilsack of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to urge him to include strong representation from Minnesota on the Dairy Advisory Committee which he is forming. “I know the contributions of Minnesota’s dairy farmers and producers will prove... More
  • Congratulations to Congressional Gold Medal Winner Dr. Norman Borlaug
    Jul 30, 2007  - Few American have probably heard the name Dr. Norman Borlaug, but it is one with which we should all be familiar. Dr. Borlaug, who attended the University of Minnesota, was recently awarded a Congressional Gold Medal for his work to feed millions around the globe. A Congressional Gold Medal is the h... More
  • Bachmann Calls for Death Tax Repeal
    May 21, 2007  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann joined her colleagues, Reps. Kenny Hulshof (R-MO) and Bud Cramer (D-AL), Thursday in introducing the bipartisan Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2007, legislation to permanently eliminate the death tax. The death tax is imposed by the federal government on property ... More