For Immediate Release

October 5, 2012

Contact: Helen Dunkel, Special Agent, PIO

Office: (925) 557-2815

Cell: (925) 202-8135

Four Suspects Arrested in American Canyon for Attempt to Commit an Armed Robbery of a Residence

AMERICAN CANYON, Calif. – Joseph M. Riehl, Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), San Francisco Field Division, Chief Joseph Kriens, and Chief Jean Donaldson American Canyon Police Department, announced today the arrests of Lafonso Luke Brown, Rakeem Marcelles Brown, Marcelis Fitzgerald Lee, and Rashad Rakeem Brown. These subjects were arrested Thursday morning in American Canyon, Calif. and charged with possession of a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence, attempt to interfere with interstate commerce through robbery, and conspiracy to distribute and to possess with the intent to distribute 5 kilograms or more of cocaine.

According to the criminal complaint, in late September ATF agents and local officers conducted an undercover investigation into subjects who expressed a desire to commit an armed robbery of a drug stash house. Agents with the San Francisco Field Division, the ATF Special Response Team, and Vallejo and American Canyon Police Departments arrested the four suspects during a meeting with ATF undercover agents. Three of the suspects attempted to flee from law enforcement during the initial arrest. A loaded Ruger Mini 14 Rifle was seized from the scene subsequent to the arrest.

"Armed robbery crews prey on the neighborhoods in which they operate, and they instill fear through intimidation and violence," said Joseph M. Riehl. "ATF's priority is to combat violent crime, and by partnering with other law enforcement agencies we are successfully targeting, disarming, and removing violent criminals from our communities."

"Today's arrests send a clear message to criminals who arm themselves with a firearm and commit violent crime in our city," said American Canyon Police Chief Jean Donaldson." We will aggressively pursue these individuals and we will hold them accountable."

The four appeared Friday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, CA. on a criminal complaint alleging the above mentioned violations.

A criminal complaint is merely an allegation and is not evidence of guilt. A defendant is entitled to a fair trial in which it will be the government's burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

This investigation was conducted by the ATF and officers with the Vallejo and American Canyon Police Departments. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Natalie Lee, San Francisco Northern Judicial District.

ATF is the federal agency with jurisdiction for investigating firearms violations and violent crime. More information on ATF can be found at
