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U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy | Representing 4th District of South Carolina


Press Releases

Representative Gowdy Releases Statement on Debt Limit Increase
January 18, 2012

Representative Gowdy Releases Statement on Debt Limit Increase

Today, Representative Trey Gowdy (SC-04) released the following statement in response to the President’s decision to raise the debt limit.


“Less than 6 months removed from last summer’s so called debt crisis – we are on the verge yet again of committing an act of generational embezzlement.  We are on the verge of assigning another trillion dollars of debt to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren because we cannot muster the courage to make hard decisions.  We cannot bring ourselves to say “no”.  We are $16 trillion in debt because we refuse to have a serious conversation about the role of government versus the obligations of the individual.  We want to live in a land with unlimited personal freedom yet Congress lacks the courage and the discipline to require a corresponding measure of personal responsibility.” 


“This administration says it wants a “balanced approach” – but a “balanced approach” apparently does not include a balanced budget.  This administration says it wants "the rich to pay their fair share" but the President refuses to identify the rich or explain what he means by "fair share." Slogans are wonderful if running for student body president in high school but seeking re-election to be the leader of the free world requires more than sloganeering.”  


“Each one of us received an inheritance from our parents and grandparents.  We received a better, stronger, more vibrant country than the one they inherited.  We have squandered that inheritance.  We are the prodigal sons and daughters except we have credit cards.  I hope the generations that come after us will have the courage of the generations that came before us.  I fear the political leaders of today have become profiles in timidity and greed.”



