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Home arrow Publications arrow Intro: Becoming Better Stewards of Our Past: Recommendations for Enhancing Federal Management of Historic Properties
Becoming Better Stewards of Our Past: Recommendations for Enhancing Federal Management of Historic Properties

2004; 38 pages; available online in PDF (24 pages)

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Section 4(e) of Executive Order 13287, "Preserve America," requires that the ACHP make recommendations to the President and Federal agencies on stimulating initiative, creativity, and efficiency in the Federal stewardship of historic properties.

The ACHP's new report, Becoming Better Stewards of Our Past: Recommendations for Enhancing Federal Management of Historic Properties embodies these recommendations, namely:

  • Partner with non-Federal parties to find new uses for historic properties and to preserve, promote, and interpret historic properties;
  • Work smart by using volunteers, exploring nontraditional funding, exploiting technology, and considering property transfers, exchanges,
    and disposals; and
  • Enhance the preservation ethic by demonstrating continuing leadership commitment, recognizing agency achievements, facilitating continuing education of staff, and creating or enhancing accountability systems.

Becoming Better Stewards of Our Past was developed based on the ACHP’s findings in its 2001 report, Caring for the Past, Managing for the Future, as well as recent input from property-managing Federal agencies.

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Updated September 6, 2011

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