Chairman Hastings' Statement on August Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 7, 2012 - House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the Bureau of Labor Statistics August jobs report that unemployment continued to stay above 8 percent:

“While any job growth is positive, there is no doubt that the majority of Americans are not better off today than they were four years ago. Under President Obama’s failed leadership unemployment has been above 8 percent for a staggering 43 months. The 23 million Americans looking for work deserve better. Republicans have a plan to get millions of Americans back to work by developing our nation’s vast energy resources. Unfortunately, while the House of Representatives has done our work and passed bipartisan, job creating energy bills, the Democrat controlled Senate has refused to act. Natural Resources Republicans will continue to put job creation over politics and pass bipartisan legislation to create new jobs while making America more energy secure.”


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Contact: Jill Strait, Spencer Pederson or Crystal Feldman 202-226-9019