Hall Statement on President Signing Into Law a Bill to Clarify Astronaut Ownership of Apollo-Era Mementos

Sep 27, 2012
Hall Statement on President Signing Into Law a Bill to Clarify Astronaut Ownership of Apollo-Era Mementos

Washington, D.C. – The President yesterday signed into law H.R. 4158, a bipartisan bill introduced by Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Ralph Hall (R-TX) to confirm full ownership rights to artifacts received by Apollo-era astronauts from their space missions. 

“I am pleased we were able to work in a bipartisan, bicameral way to clear up any ambiguity regarding small mementos kept by our nation's early space pioneers,” said Chairman Hall.  “As I said on the House Floor, these men are heroes who took extraordinary risks to establish American preeminence in space, and by doing so helped our country become a world leader.”

Throughout the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs, NASA managers routinely allowed astronauts, at the conclusion of a mission, to keep mementos, pieces of hardware, and personal equipment from the spacecraft.  However, beginning in the mid-2000s, NASA began to challenge the ownership of these artifacts.

The House unanimously approved the measure on September 19, and the Senate approved by unanimous consent on September 22.

Read more HERE.