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A E S Direct Support Center

How to Disable and Re-enable Your Account or Change Your Account Administrator
[Support Center Home]

How to Disable, and Re-enable Your Account

To disable or re-enable an AESDirect Account, a fax request must be sent to AESDirect Technical Support. A template fax form is available for download

How to change the Account Administrator

Transfer Account Administrator Role

The current account administrator can transfer Administration rights to any user in the company account. You must be logged into your account to make these changes.

  1. Under Account Maintenance, click "Manage Users".
  2. Search for the User you wish to nominate.
  3. Click the "Edit" link next to the username.
  4. Click "Transfer Account Administrator Role to This User" located at the top right corner next to "Utilities".
  5. Complete and update profile information. All fields must be completed.
  6. Click "Transfer Account Administration". Confirm the change twice.

A response message will indicate if the transfer was successful.

To verify the changes have been done, under Account Maintenance, click "Update Account Profile" under Account Maintenance. The new Account Administrator's contact information should be listed.

Request a New Account Administrator

If the Account Administrator on the company account has left the company, a fax request must be sent to AESDirect Technical Support to nominate a new Administrator.

A template fax form is available for download.

Fill out completely and send to AESDirect Technical Support at 301-562-7795.

Once the fax is processed, the new Account Administrator will be contacted by telephone. A username and temporary password will be provided. The new Account Administrator must login and change the password.

To verify the changes have been done, under Account Maintenance, click "Update Account Profile". The new Account Administrator's contact information should be listed.

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