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Rangel Reaffirms Oath, Condemns Threats To Voting Rights on Constitution and Citizenship Day

Rangel Reaffirms Oath, Condemns Threats To Voting Rights on Constitution and Citizenship Day

September 17, 2012

In honor of Constitution Day, Congressman Charles B. Rangel reaffirmed his oath to the Constitution and condemned the threats against it posed by the new restrictive voting laws in numerous states across the country.

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Rangel To DREAMers: Start Applying For Deferred Action

Rangel To DREAMers: Start Applying For Deferred Action

August 15, 2012

1.7 million DREAMers start applying for deferred action...

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Rangel Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

Rangel Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 14, 2012

"It is with great pleasure that we come together to celebrate the National Hispanic Heritage Month to honor one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the country.""

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Rangel Touts Healthcare Law For Reducing Number Of Uninsured Americans

Rangel Touts Healthcare Law For Reducing Number Of Uninsured Americans

September 14, 2012

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 1.34 million people gained health insurance in 2011.

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Rangel Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

"Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an opportunity for us to become more conscious of the silent suffering of victims of domestic violence that devastates individuals, families, and communities. With nearly 5.3 million domestic violence incidents each year, this is a serious problem we must address as a society."


Rangel Fellowship Program Turns Ten

“It's such a great honor to have Secretary Hillary Clinton recognize the numerous contributions this program has made globally,” Rangel commented. “I'm very proud of the outstanding young students who are in or have completed the Rangel Fellowship program. Their backgrounds truly reflect what America looks like and I'm glad the world is able to see the beautiful mosaic that comprises our nation's diversity."


Rangel: Sept Jobs Report Shows Economic Progress

Numbers don't lie; the drop in unemployment rate to 7.8 percent in August shows that President Barack Obama's economic plan to get America working again and rebuild our economy is working.

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The 'Do-Nothing' GOP Congress’ Report Card: Picking Millionaires Over Medicare & Middle Class

As House Republicans recess on September 21st, the earliest Congress has left to campaign since 1960, Republicans are leaving behind a long list of unfinished business for the American people and small businesses. ...


Today's $6,400 Question: What % of Americans are on Medicare?

Recall the infamous game show The $64,000 Question? With the Ryan Medicare plan front and center, we’ve launched The $6,400 Question, a regular Q&A about the Ryan plan. After all, seniors in 2022 would be paying an additional $6,400 a...


The Story of Social Security

August 14th is the 77th Anniversary of Social Security being signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Before Social Security, most working Americans retired into poverty. Today, 160 million workers are building toward a more secure retirement for themselves and...


Nearly 60 Years After Armistice, Korean War Hasn't Ended

Fifty-nine years after the United States and the United Nations signed an armistice agreement with North Korea and China to end the three-year-old Korean War, all the parties to the war are still technically at war.


Silent Treatment for NYPD

Thousands of protesters marched in silence through Manhattan on Sunday in an effort to end the New York Police Department's "stop-and-frisk" policy, which they claim disproportionately affects young black and Latino men.


Silent march to protest NYPD's "stop-and-frisk" policy

Several thousand New Yorkers marched silently down Manhattan's Fifth Avenue from lower Harlem to the mayor's Upper East Side townhouse on Sunday to protest the New York Police Department's contentious stop-and-frisk policy.

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Tax Justice: Our Nation Is At Stake

"President Barack Obama recently called on Congress to extend tax breaks for America's 114 million middle-income families that make less than $250,000. The President has also proposed to let the Bush era's high-income tax cuts expire at the end of this year and use the resulting $1 trillion in savings over 10 years as part of a balanced plan to reduce deficits and debt and put the nation in the right direction towards shoring up our national budget."


Education Is Key To Stronger America

It is important to invest in our students early in the education process. That is why I sponsored the Rebuilding America's Schools Act which will allocate $11 billion for various school construction projects and allow schools to borrow money at little to no interest. Schools must have adequate funding in order to support certain operational or expansionary investments.


Rep. Charlie Rangel On Black America’s Truest Heroes

Black soldiers have fought and died in every American war, both abroad and domestic. Throughout history, they have demonstrated courage and valor in the face of discrimination and prejudice. It is our patriotic duty to admire their resolve and honor their unwavering dedication to service.

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