United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  

Smith: Arizona Law Should Be Upheld

For Immediate Release
April 24, 2012
Contact: Jessica Baker, 202-225-3951

Smith: Arizona Law Should Be Upheld

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday is scheduled to hear arguments in Arizona v. United States, the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s immigration law (S.B.1070).  House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) released the statement below urging the Supreme Court to uphold Arizona’s constitutional law. 

Chairman Smith:  “The Obama administration is wrong to sue the State of Arizona.  The Constitution gives Congress the authority and responsibility to establish a uniform immigration policy for the nation.  However, if Congress does not preempt states from enacting their own immigration laws, they can assist with federal enforcement and pass laws that are not inconsistent with federal law.  That’s precisely what Arizona has done. 

“The Arizona law mirrors federal law and is only necessary because the Obama administration has failed to do its job of enforcing our immigration laws and securing the border.  Arizonans are no different from other Americans--they want to see our nation’s immigration laws enforced.  According to a recent poll, two-thirds of the American people want to see immigration laws enforced.  And another poll recently found that American voters favor the Arizona immigration law by more than a two-to-one margin. 

“Arizona’s legislature and governor have acted in the best interests of their citizens. I hope the Supreme Court will stand by the inherent right of Arizona--and all states--to enforce immigration laws when not prohibited by Congress or the Constitution.”




