Emergency Preparedness

Now that we are beginning to enter the winter season, below are helpful links to prepare you and your family in the event of a natural disaster.  The below links will provide guidance on essential items for different types of preparedness kits.  With so many 6th District constituents who commute considerable distances to work, you may need to be prepared for a variety of circumstances.  I encourage you to view and share this information with family and neighbors to ensure our community's safety, in the event of an emergency.

To Track Current Hurricanes Click Here

Local County Contacts for Emergency Management:

The Following information is provided by FEMA on how to prepare yourself in case of a natural disaster:

Are You Ready?
Why You Should Prepare
How to Keep Food Safe
Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit

Further check lists for your home, office, car, and how to prepare yourself financially for a disaster can be found bellow:

Facts about Different Types of Disasters

Red Cross Preparedness Fast Facts

Types of Disasters from FEMA

 The following widgets are provided by FEMA - see the below widgets for information on National Preparedness month, seasonal flooding, hurricanes, and to see if you are prepared for a national disaster.