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Town Hall, Belmont Waltham Central Square, Waltham Winn Memorial Library, Woburn Revere Beach, Revere Town Hall, Belmont Hills Pond, Menotomy Rocks Park, Arlington

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Markey Celebrates Opening of Wonderland Transit Center at Revere Beach
Markey Celebrates Opening of Wonderland Transit Center at Revere Beach
Protecting Children and Teen Online Privacy
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June 7, 2012: Rep. Markey meets with students from Watertown Middle School
June 6, 2012: Rep. Markey receives award for work on medical privacy
May 30, 2012: Markey Celebrates the Arts in the 7th District
March 19, 2012: Markey Speaks at EU-US Conference on the Protection of Personal Data
Sept. 14, 2012: Markey: GOP Wants “No More Clean Energy Solutions”
April 23, 2012: Markey talks about commercial drones and privacy concerns on CNN
Feb. 15, 2012: Markey and Colleagues Introduce Increase in Low-Income Energy Assistance
Feb. 8, 2012: Markey: Clean Air Act Creates More Jobs Than Keystone Pipeline

Markey, Keating, Frank Disappointed by Interior Dept. Rejection of Massachusetts-Mashpee Wampanoag Gaming Agreement

Oct. 12, 2012 -- Giselle

WASHINGTON (October 12, 2012) -- Several members of Massachusetts’ House delegation today expressed disappointment in the decision by Department of the Interior Secretary Salazar issued a decision today to reject the agreement between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to establish a gaming site in Taunton. The compact reached between the government of Massachusetts and the sovereign Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe was done in good faith, and was expected to generate millions in shared revenue for both sovereigns.


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