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Michigan State Police


Primary Contact

Harriet Miller-Brown



This project will provide a GIS database that will be accessible to all PSAPs in Michigan. The database will be usable for current wireless call and for a future IP-based 9-1-1 system in Michigan. Once the entire data design, workflow and replications are setup from the local jurisdictions to the state 9-1-1 database, web services will be developed for these statewide layers to allow an entity to view the datasets or extract portions of the statewide datasets when needed. Programming will include design and implementation of all necessary security and data protection measures. The programming tasks include all necessary implementation costs to install servers, and software that will house the data repository and provide secure access to 9-1-1 entities. Data collections involves the creation of the statewide PSAP boundary layer and the acquisition of all existing road centerlines and ensuring all segments that meet at political boundaries are snapped and edge-matched correctly.