

Where Leading from Behind Leads


The Daily Caller

September 19, 2012


Heading Off a Massive Hike


The Pueblo Chieftain

August 19, 2012


Regulations Are Choking Small Business Engine of Growth


The Washington Times

July 26, 2012


Plenty of Alternatives to Government Health Care


USA Today

July 26, 2012


Tax Reform Badly Needed


The Hill

July 25, 2012


Don't Sequester the Common Defense



July 23, 2012


Try Principled Solutions to Health Care Fix


The Marietta Daily Journal

July 1, 2012


IPAB is not the way to lower Medicare costs


The Hill

June 5, 2012


ObamaCare Medical Device Tax: Hazardous to America’s Health


The Daily Caller

May 31, 2012


Tap into U.S.-made engery


Atlanta Journal Constitution

April 24, 2012


President obviously doesn't grasp the seriousness of fiscal situation


The Hill

February 15, 2012


Getting America out of deep debt


Chicago Tribune

December 12, 2011


Republicans, Democrats see different fixes to fiscal stalemate


Reporter Newspapers

December 1, 2011


Preserving the promise to patients


The Washington Times

November 26, 2011


Patient Centered Healthcare is Possible


Big Government

November 16, 2011


High Unemployment Rules Out Recycling of Failed Policies


Marietta Daily Journal

November 10, 2011


Empowering Patients First Act: The Solution to ObamaCare


Human Events

October 10, 2011


The Way to Lock Down Spending


Atlanta Journal Constitution

August 8, 2011


Cutting What Washington Has Yet to Spend and Cannot Afford



June 28, 2011


Empowering America's Seniors

Health Reform Report

May 13, 2011


Debt Limit and Spending Reforms are Inextricably Linked

Daily Caller

May 4, 2011


Proceed With Caution: The perils of trusting the United Nations.

Foreign Policy

March 14, 2011