Congresswoman Michele Bachmann -
            Proudly Serving the 6th District of Minnesota

Press Release

For Immediate Release Contact: Dan Kotman

Friday, September 7, 2012

    Phone: 202-225-2331

Bachmann Releases Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers

(Washington, D.C.)  Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement regarding the latest unemployment numbers reported today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“Earlier this week, the United States reached a grim milestone. For the first time in American history, our national debt passed $16 trillion, saddling every man, woman and child with over $50,000 of debt. President Obama presided over an increase of more than $5 trillion of debt in the past four years. 

“And today’s unemployment report is another illustration of President Obama’s failed economic record.  The 23 million Americans who are struggling to find work need new solutions, not more posturing and empty promises from the Obama administration. 

“Under President Obama’s watch, Americans are losing hope and giving up on their dreams. Last month alone, 368,000 Americans dropped out of the workforce. We can and must do better.

“By repealing Obamacare, unleashing America’s abundant energy resources, cutting taxes on job creators, and putting an end to job-killing regulations, we can create an explosion of new jobs and economic growth. With the right free-market policies, I’m confident we can turn the economy around.”
